Languages camps- permits


LEKTOR holds permit No. 342/19 for the provision of tourism services, as well as insurance guarantees

stipulated in the Tourism Services Act. LEKTOR is a member of the Lower Silesian Chamber of Tourism.


As a school of foreign languages, LEKTOR is accredited by the Board of Education in the scope of

foreign language instruction, which is confirmation of our school’s excellence in teaching.


LEKTOR also holds all permits for the operation of its individual camps following submission of the relevant notification to the Board of Education.

Pursuant to the relevant regulations.

LEKTOR applies for such permits 30 days before the first camp begins.



LEKTOR Travel  sp. z o.o.

ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 27

50-077 Wrocław

tel. 71 3725292

Opłaty za obozy i kolonie prosimy wnosić na;

Nr konta: 33 1600 1462 1844 5031 3000 0001


Zadaj pytanie (Contact us)



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